Coconut Oil for Health Benefits
There is a trend today in oils and at the core is the coconut.
There seems to be a reason for using coconut for just about everything!
Do you have dry skin? Coconut Oil
Overweight? Coconut Oil
Tired? Coconut oil
Spouse mad at you? Coconut Oil
You get the picture…
But as it turns out there are legit benefits to using coconut oil.
Coconut oil is great for acne, eczema, teeth whitening, etc…
So even though there is a craze right now there is truth behind some of the seemingly “myths”.
Coconut oil isn’t necessarily going to eliminate a problem but it will help deal with some of the problems it claims to help.

In parts of the world where coconuts are just a part of daily lives individuals are less likely to be overweight. Coconut has a medium chain triglycerides that has been shown to increase 24 hour energy expenditure by as much as 5%, along with significantly suppressing your appetite, causing weight loss over the long term.
As far as brain power coconut oil can increase blood levels of ketone, supplying energy for the brain cells also in Alzheimer’s patients relieving some of the symptoms.
Coconut oil can also be used as a lubricant so if your spouse really is mad at you throw a little coconut oil in the mix and have fun naturally.
It is said that behind every myth is a little truth, you just have to dig for it.